Tuesday, September 6, 2011

HCC Re-Tweets

Greetings fellow Call of Duty gamers, community members, & HardCore players.

HotelCharlie Company would like to enlist the community's assistance in sending some positive vibes to the Call of Duty developers & publishers about their fans' love for HardCore game-types.

If you have a Twitter account, please copy-&-paste any or all of the following tweets & post them on your Twitter feeds:

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @DavidVonderhaar - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #CoDBlackOps!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @Treyarch - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #CoDBlackOps!

Also (if it's not already too late), I think the next few weeks might be a critical window to give our input to the game developers before the master disc for the next Call of Duty game goes gold - so please copy-&-paste any or all of these tweets into your Twitter feed as well:

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @FourZeroTwo - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @GuyBeahm - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @GlenSchofield - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @MichaelCondrey - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @SHGames - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @InfinityWard - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

RT @HotelCharlieCo: Hi @CallofDuty - #HotelCharlie CoD fans would love more HardCore public multiplayer playlists in #MW3!

Please try to send positive requests (not pestering complaints) in the hopes of getting positive responses.

Thank you!